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Soil Kit

Central Sod

Minimum Purchase:
1 unit
Maximum Purchase:
5 units
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Product Overview

Soilkit makes it easy to determine what your soil needs to grow the best lawn or garden. With the soil sample bag and provided prepaid envelope you'll be on your way to having healthy and fertile soil. Your detailed results also come with our product reccomendations. 


What’s inside:

  • Soil sample bag
  • Pre-addressed, postage-paid mailer
  • Collection and registration instructions
  • Customer care card 

The product also includes:

  • On-line registration
  • QR scanning
  • Address geolocation
  • Satellite-guided square footage calculator
  • Email report notification
  • Digital report with lab results and recommendations
  • Pre-paid lab processing fee
  • Online dashboard access

Using the Mehlich III extraction method, SoilKit tests for: pH, Buffer pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron, CEC, and organic matter. 

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