Way to Grow: Get a Perfect Lawn with Certified Sod

A beautiful lawn is an investment that adds curb appeal and value to your property.
The fastest way to get a perfect green lawn that is lush and thick is to start with certified sod. Using certified sod will improve the health of your lawn, here’s why -

The Certification Selection
Extensive trials are conducted and evaluated each year at the University of Maryland, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University to identify grass types that perform best in the Delmarva region (Turner et al., 2022).The trial results are reviewed by university researchers and the Departments of Agriculture (Turner et al., 2022). Central Sod Farms selects the best performing grass varieties to produce turfgrasses of higher quality and density than other turf producers.

The Certification Process
To ensure consumers receive only the highest quality product. Our fields are inspected every six months. Certification guarantees that;
Our turfgrass was inspected for varietal uniformity and absence of other turf species.
No weeds were observed during inspection of our mature sod.
Our sod was grown to meet the specifications set by the Department of Agriculture
Our sod is the highest quality sod available for landscapes, athletic fields and golf courses.

The Certification Benefits
It is our mission to improve our community and the lives of our employees by growing and selling only the finest quality turfgrasses. Purchasing certified sod from Central Sod Farms guarantees the quality and insures against costly issues after installation. Despite proven research, many decide to purchase non-certified sod that can deteriorate within months of install. To mitigate the risk of sod failure only use certified sod. “Certified sod from a licensed and certified sod producer establishes the integrity and genetic purity of the product” (Zinn, 2014).

The Central Sod Difference
When you purchase sod from Central Sod Farms, Inc. you are purchasing sod that has been inspected and certified by the Maryland Department of Agriculture. There are no turfgrass regulations or laws to protect consumers, certification offers the only quality control in the industry. We are committed to growing and providing you with certified sod.
Turner, T., Funk, D., & Reinhart, G. (2022, July). RECOMMENDED TURFGRASS CULTIVARS FOR CERTIFIED SOD PRODUCTION AND SEED MIXTURES IN MARYLAND. University of Maryland Extension https://mdturfcouncil.org/resources/Documents/TT-77%20Recommended%20Turfgrass%20Cultivars%20for%20Certified%20Sod%20Production%20and%20Seed%20Mixtures%20in%20Maryland%20(Updated%20July%202022).pdf
Zinn, Stacie. (2014, March). Why certified matters. Turf Magazine Retrieved November 18, 2022, from https://turfmagazine.com/why-certified-turf-matters